Meeting Labour Market Needs for FSL Instruction > Reliable & Equitable Assessment of French-Language Proficiency
Collage of photos of teachers and students.

Reliable & Equitable Assessment of French-Language Proficiency

The key components of this initiative are:

  1. A review of relevant research, prior projects, and French-language assessments.

  2. An empirical study examining the French-language proficiency practices used by school districts during hiring and faculties of education during admissions or teacher education.

  3. The creation of collaborations and pilot projects to bridge research findings into practice. 

The review of research identified the importance of language teachers being proficient in the target language alongside known, effective practices in language assessment for teachers. These practices include targeting language skills likely to be used by teachers, using a variety of assessments, making assessment components authentic to teaching, and establishing clear language proficiency expectations.

French-Language Proficiency Assessment for French as a Second Language Teaching – A Toolkit and Resource Guide

This Toolkit was developed to share effective practices in the French-language proficiency assessment of French as a Second Language (FSL) teachers preparing to enter the job market. The Toolkit offers tools and protocols to support defensible decision-making when FSL teachers’ proficiency in French is a key consideration.

The research underpinning the Toolkit is summarized in this video: